In the interest of the weather changing here in the city I thought I’d throw a little something out to my fellow sinus/allergy sufferers.
I’ve discovered that adding 1/8 tsp. of SEA salt (not that mess with the girl on the front pouring out salt from under an umbrella) to a bottle of water will significantly improve your sinus issues.
Now it is still salt and I’ve discovered that about every 2-1/2 weeks I’ve got to lay off of it for 2 days because my feet will start to swell. (Apparently the claim that it helps regulate blood pressure doesn’t work for me.)
I love products that do double duty so I checked on this one and found these claims at :
Containing all of the 84 elements found in your body, the benefits of natural Himalayan Crystal Salt include:
Regulating the water content throughout your body.
Promoting a healthy pH balance in your cells, particularly your brain cells.
Promoting blood sugar health and helping to reduce the signs of aging.
Assisting in the generation of hydroelectric energy in cells in your body.
Absorption of food particles through your intestinal tract.
Supporting respiratory health.
Promoting sinus health.
Prevention of muscle cramps.
Promoting bone strength.
Regulating your sleep — it naturally promotes sleep.
Supporting your libido.
Promoting vascular health.
In conjunction with water it is actually essential for the regulation of your blood pressure.
So there you have it. If all else fails take an imaginary trip to the beach for your salt water fix but as with anything you may find on this site, use with caution and common sense.
To your health!