
For about a decade now, I’ve been incorporating more old school treatments into my health and beauty regimen. I know it’s been that long because my youngest child is 10 years old and my husband and I lost medical insurance coverage during my 7th month of pregnancy. We were forced to take out Cobra coverage for the birth and postpartum checks but knew we would not be able to afford it long term.

Diligent research on the web allowed me to gather some safe and inexpensive remedies that I normally had on hand. I was astounded to say the least! Don’t misunderstand me, please. If I’m in a car accident and end up with multiple broken bones, I sure as hell don’t want to be left in the woods to the let dew fall on me and the Woodland Nymphs administer to my needs. Doctors have their place and are vitally important in our society. I do not, I repeat, I DO NOT hate doctors. I’m all for going to them for a diagnosis. However, I’d rather be offered more natural alternatives that will allow my body to heal itself and work the way it was meant to as opposed to being written out a prescription that I’ll have to take for the duration of my life.

I’ve always believed that God put everything we needed right here on this Earth when he created it to keep our bodies running smoothly and efficiently. I just didn’t know what these things were, where to purchase them, and how to use them. And thus began the search!

I’ve started out by simply keeping some basics on hand at all times. It’s rare that you make a trip to my home and I am without extra virgin coconut oil (my precious!), apple cider vinegar, baking soda, and black seed oil.

In future posts I will be going in depth with these and many more “treatments” I’ve engaged in and letting you in on these “secrets”. I’m always on the lookout for something new and I welcome any feedback you may have on the subject. I’ll even let you in on stuff I know absolutely nothing about but have come across in my musings.

I hang out at the health food store now the same way I used to hang out at Walmart. I still have lots to learn and lots of unhealthy habits to break but you know what? At least I know now. And according to G.I. Joe knowing, is half the battle.

To our health!