O.k., have you ever known one of your parents or grandparents to have a cure for EVERYTHING that ails you? With my father it was alcohol and aspirin. My poor brother almost lost his toe to an ingrown toenail because Daddy kept telling him, “Just put a little alcohol on it, it’ll be alright”.
I just knew I’d never be this country. I thought I was more sophisticated than this.
Turns out, I’m just a hot, country lie!
For me, it’s not alcohol or aspirin though – it’s extra virgin coconut oil. You read me right. Or as one of my friend girls calls it – coconut “grease”.
I originally started out using this on my hair and I love the shine it gives and it doesn’t leave my hair greasy. But the infojunkie in me just wouldn’t leave well enough alone and I wanted to know what else I could do with it. I was pleasantly stunned and immediately went to experimenting.